Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Descartes reappears

As i was writing my precise for theory class, i came across Descartes again. i had looked at him briefly for his companion doll, Francine, and its significance as a pleasure Automata. But Descartes mind/ body dualism brings me back to the simulation of life. I came across a J-store article By Sally Pryor, "Thinking of Oneself as a Computer". Her collection of articles expand a bit on this mind/ body dualism, where the body is something spatial and the mind something conceptual. It got me thinking generally about my device and it relationship to the people who walked by it and its site. It requires environmental stimulus to be alive. It is dependent on its site for stimulating life like like the people around it. So what does my thing do? It stimulates life around it. Is it a mirror, no not that sophisticated. It occupies space within a site and modifies the space it contains and evades by altering it movement, tilt switches, light sensor circuits. My device is also in tension. The suspended feature of this device creates a sensitivity that the switches will also pick up. Balance and weight become an issue. Even the structure supporting the suspended cable are important to how sensitive the structure will be to movement, feedback of movement, and like in the black box, exterior devices' movements.

So what is my device about. Presently i am still unsure about that question. This is what i have so far. The device is in some ways about Descartes and stimulating life. Its also about giving the circuit a face and making the circuit's uncanny nature come alive. Its purpose, don't know. My goal for it was to create a chaotic movement because of the interruption of its regular movement through a series of switches and other devices. A combination of simple gestures, maybe repetitive, which create an independent movement.